Inner Awakening was a gift I gave myself ( a kind of artist in residence)

to thank my parents

for allowing me to go back

to a view point

that has been the nourishing point of my spiritual search

from a window

to the sight

from the sight

of stages

to the sight of vision

Thank you for the vision

taught to me when I was little

given to me free

when I was growing up

a lesson

yet a life living experience 

with hidden levels of pain


eased themselves

when I woke up

that early morning

after the darkest

undecipherable search of one’s own diary



and understanding 

arriving at

a deeper


with oneself

and with the painters of


of the past and of the present

I celebrate every moment

with You


before leaving my mother’s kind Of window in the eighties on MacDonnell Road , Hong Kong 

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