In Florence

couple weeks ago 

as I strolled around the area where I used to live

in the historical centre of Florence

I ran into Stefano

the Martial Arts Master 

who just came out from his Martial Arts Centre Budokan

Time flies

we must have last spoken to each other some twenty five years ago

How is everything 


Budokan is moving its space

AH, yes, I did  some calligraphic works for Stefano

when he inaugurated this centre

I never made any pictures of my work there

all These years

so I asked if he would be kind enough to allow me to take some pictures of my works

in order to put together

old and new works eventually in a catalogue, perhaps 

He invited me over 

but somehow I missed the first appointment 

I arrived a bit late


the next day I managed to arrive only A few minutes late

there was a lesson going on

I hope my presence there did not disturb the class

after almost thirty years

my works are still there

it could happen only in Florence

a city that treasures the past

thank you Stefano

for having exhibited my works for so many years

thank you and I wish you good luck

with the new location of Budokan

and hopefully

I could take more pictures of my work there

in order to see how my old calligraphy looks when situated in a new setting

thank you again



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